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Fig. 1 | Zoological Letters

Fig. 1

From: Gene expression profiles of dicyemid life-cycle stages may explain how dispersing larvae locate new hosts

Fig. 1

The life cycle of dicyemid mesozoans. a Life cycle of dicyemids, see the text for details. Adapted and modified from Furuya and Tsuneki (2003). b-h Adult and larvae of Dicyema japonicum. b A nematogen, the asexual reproductive adult consisting of 22 somatic cells. c A vermiform embryo develops inside a nematogen. d A vermiform larva. e A rhombogen, the sexual reproductive adult. f An infusoriform embryo develops inside a rhombogen. g An infusoriform larva dispersing from a rhombogen. h A mature, free-living infusoriform larva escaped from the parent rhombogen. AG, agamete; AN, axial cell nucleus; AX, axial cell; C, calotte; DI, developing infusoriform embryo; DV, developing vermiform embryo; E, epidermal cell; IN, infusorigen; MI, mature infusoriform larva; MP, metapolar cell; PP, propolar cell. R, refringent body; U, urn cell. Scale bars: 20 μm

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