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Table 1 List of the the abbreviations used throughout the figures of this paper

From: On the development of the chondrocranium and the histological anatomy of the head in perinatal stages of marsupial mammals

a., artery

Al, alisphenoid

alo, ala orbitalis

alt.ptpr, ala temporalis processus ptegygoideus

alt.apr, ala temporalis, processus ascendens

altp, alisphenoid tympanic process

anp, angular process of dentary

asc, anterior semicircular canal

at, auditory tube

Boc, basioccipital

Bs, basisphenoid

cars, cavernous sinus

cc, crus commune

cc.a., common carotid artery

ce, cavum epiptericum

cf, carotid foramen

ch, cerebral hemisphere

ch.tym, chorda tympany n. (CN VII)

cn, cochlear n. (CN VIII)

cna, cupula nasi anterior

CN V, trigeminal n.

CN V1, ophthalmic branch of trigeminal n.

CN V2, maxillary branch of trigeminal n.

CN V3, mandibular branch of trigeminal n.

CN VII, facial n.

CN VIII, vestibulocochlear n.

CN IX, glossopharyngeal n.

CN X, vagus n.

CN XI, accessory n.

CN XII, hypoglossal n.

co, cochlear duct

cof, cochlear fossula (= fossula fenestra cochleae)

con, dentary condyle

coop, commisura orbitoparietalis

cos, commisura suprafacialis

cp, crista parotica

crb, crus breve of incus

crl, crus longum of incus

ct, cavum tympani

ctpp, caudal tympanic process of petrosal

D, dentary

eam, external acoustic meatus

Ec, ectotympanic

eca, external carotid a.

ed, endolymphatic duct

ejv, external jugular vein

er, epitympanic recess

es, epitympanic sinus

etn, ethmoidal nerve (CN V1)

Ex, exoccipital

f, footplate of stapes

fc, fenestra cochleae

fi, fossa incudis

fm, fibrous membrane of the tympanic cavity

fn, facial nerve (CN VII)

Fr, frontal

fs, facial sulcus

fsb, fissura basipterygoidea

fv, fenestra vestibuli

g, gonial

gg, geniculate ganglion (CN VII)

gpn, greater petrosal nerve (CN VII)

H, hyoid

hy, hypophysis

iam, internal acoustic meatus

ica, internal carotid a.

icn, internal carotid n.

icv, internal carotid v.

ijv, internal jugular v.

In, incus (= anvil)

inf.a.a., inferior alveolar a.

inf.a.n., inferior alveolar n. (CN V3)

inf.a. v., inferior alveolar v.

Ipa, interparietal

ips, inferior petrosal sinus

lama, lamina alaris

lamb, lamina basalis

lamh, lamina hypophyseos

lamp, lamina parietalis

lhv, lateral head v. (= vena capitis lateralis)

ling.a., lingual artery

long.c.m., longus capitis m.

lp, lenticular process of incus

lsc, lateral semicircular canal

lt, lamina trabecularis

lta, lamina transversalis anterior

m., muscle

Ma, malleus (= hammer)

man, manubrium of malleus

mas.m., masseter m.

mbl, membrane limitans

Mc, Meckel’s cartilage

mdc, mandibular canal, medial pterygoid m.

mso, membrana sphenoobturatoria

Mx, maxilla

mxa, maxillary a.

mxv, maxillary v.

mxt, maxiloturbinate

my.m., mylohyoid m.

n., nerve

Na, nasal

nc, nasal cavity

nld, nasolacrimal duct

npd, nasopalatine duct

nph, nasopharynx

ns, nasal septum

ob, outer bar

oc, oral cavity

oph, oropharynx

ot, otic capsule

Pa, parietal

paa, element of Paaw

par, paraflocculus of cerebellum

pars cochl, pars cochlearis

Pe, petrosal

pga, postglenoid artery

pgv, postglenoid vein

ph.con.m., pharyngeal constrictor m.

ph.n., pharyngeal nerve

ph.v., pharyngeal vein

pm, tissues of the membranous meatus

pn, paries nasi

ppc, paraseptal cartilage

ppo, pila praeoptica

pr, promontorium

pr.a, processus alaris

pr.ep, processus epitympanicus, processus lateralis ventralis

pr.m, processus medialis (= medial process of Sq.), processus mastoideus

prs, prootic sinus

psc, posterior semicircular canal

Pt, pterygoid

Px, premaxilla

Rc, Reichert’s cartilage

rl, recessus lateralis

rtpp, rostral tympanic process of petrosal

s, stapedius m.

sa, sacculus

saf, subarcuate fossa

sev, sphenoparietal emissary vein

Sq, squamosal

ssc, septum spirale cartilagineum

St, stapes (= stirrup)

stclm.m., sternocleidomastoideus m.

stm, secondary tympanic membrane

sty, scala tympani of the cochlea

sty.m., stylopharyngeous m.

sve, scala vestibuli of the cochlea

te.m., temporalis m.

tg, trigeminal ganglion (= Gasserian or semilunar ganglion, CN V)

tgty, tegmen tympani

tm, tympanic membrane (= eardrum)

tn, tectum nasi

ton, tongue

tt.m., tensor tympani m. (or its tendon)

tt.n., tensor tympani nerve (CN V3)

tvp.m., tensor veli palatine m.

ty.n., tympanic nerve (CN IX)

utr, utriculus

v., vein

vf, vestibular fossa

VNO, vomeronasal organ (= Jacobson’s organ)

Vo, vomer

z, zygomatic process

Other abbreviations

L, left

R, right

CRL, crown-rump length

HL, head length

PND, postnatal day

TL, total length