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Table 3 Features of the ethmoidal region hypothesized to be part of the marsupial “Grundplan” by Freyer [94], based on her critical assessment of ontogenetic and comparative anatomical data of the group

From: On the development of the chondrocranium and the histological anatomy of the head in perinatal stages of marsupial mammals

A rostrally wide closed cupula nasi anterior

A short processus cupularis

The processus laterales ventrales continuously connected to the lower edge of the septum and a caudal transition into the lamina transversalis anterior

A processus alaris superior supporting the sulcus alaris with its dorsolateral lamella

Lack of a commissura alicupularis - no connection between the processus cupularis and the processus alaris superior

An inferior septal ride

A superior septal ride

A spina mesethmoidalis

Lack of a fenestra internasalis (unfenestrated septum nasi)

A cartilago papillae palatinae

A rostral zona anularis

An incisura nasopalatina

A rostral process starting from the medial coiling of the lamina transversalis anterior, which corresponds to the dorsal lamella of the cartilago paraseptalis

Location of the lamina transversalis anterior on the same horizontal plane as the lower edge of the septum nasi (a “keel” is absent)

A ridge process (sensu [49]), a process of the lamina transversalis anterior

A fibula reuniens, dorsally framing the opening of the Jacobson’s organ

The cartilago paraseptalis not closed to form a tube

A fissura septoparaseptalis running along the whole extent of the cartilago parasetalis

A medial separation of the cartilago paraseptales

The Jacobson’s organ opening into the nasal opening section of the ductus nasopalatinus, there is a communicative connection between the Jacobson’s organ, the ductus nasopalatinus and the cavum nasi

Opening of the Jacobson’s organ lies at its rostral pole (lack of a process rostral of the opening)

A lamina transversalis posterior

A caudal zona anularis

A caudally closed cupula nasi posterior

A marginoturbinale

An atrioturbinale

A processus posterior atrioturbinalis

An incisura maxillo-atrioturbunalis

A maxilloturbinale

A processus anterior maxilloturbinalis

A lamellar nasoturbinale

A latero-medial glandular ridge is present, which stays separated from the superior septal ridge

Four ethmoturbinalia

An interturbinale between the 2. and 3. ethmoturbinale

Three frontoturbinalia

The processus uncinatus is connected to the paries and does not display a free process caudally

A wide commisura orbitonasalis has formed, which is connected to the paries