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Fig. 6 | Zoological Letters

Fig. 6

From: Comparative analysis of Hmx expression and the distribution of neuronal somata in the trigeminal ganglion in lamprey and shark: insights into the homology of the trigeminal nerve branches and the evolutionary origin of the vertebrate jaw

Fig. 6

Distribution of the branch-specific neuronal somata in the gV2/3 in the shark. a, b Confocal microscopy of a labeled embryo at st. 30. (a) and its schematic illustration (b). NeuroVue Jade (green) and Red (magenta) are inserted into the maxillary process and mandibular process, respectively. As a result, NeuroVue Jade labeled the rmxV2/3, rbuc, a part of the rmandV2/3, and some portion of rhmVII, while NeuroVue Red marked the main branches of the rmandV2/3 and rhmVII. The asterisk (*) indicates the maxillary nerve of the rmandV2/3. c, d 3D reconstruction (c) and histological analysis (d) of another specimen, indicating that the neuronal somata of rmxV2/3 and rmandV2/3 are distributed in the rostral and caudal parts of the gV2/3, respectively. e, f Double staining of the shark Hmx1 section in situ hybridization and HuC/HuD immunofluorescence in a horizontal section at the level of gV2/3. The arrowhead indicates that Hmx1 is expressed in the caudal part of the gV2/3

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